
Hello! I'm a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin advised by Mevin Hooten. My research focuses on developing scientifically interpretable and computationally efficient statistical methods for spatio-temporal data in ecology, environmental science, epidemiology, and landscape genomics. My doctoral studies are funded by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.


University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX, USA

Ph.D. in Statistics | August 2021 - (current)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas, NV, USA

B.S. in Mathematics | August 2016 - May 2021

Recent News

I accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech for this upcoming Fall!

New paper accepted in Biometrics:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, V. Narasimhan. (In Press). "Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics.

New paper accepted in Spatial Statistics:

  • Hooten, M.B., M.R. Schwob, D.S. Johnson, and J.S. Ivan. (2024). "Geostatistical capture-recapture models," Spatial Statistics.

Paper selected as a honorable mention in the 2024 ASA ENVR Student Paper Competition:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, V. Narasimhan. (2024) "Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics.

Paper selected as a winner of the 2023 ISBA EnviBayes Student Paper Competition:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, T. McDevitt-Gales. (2023). "Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

New paper accepted in Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, T. McDevitt-Gales. (2023). "Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

New paper accepted in Environmetrics:

  • Hooten, M.B., M.R. Schwob, D.S. Johnson, and J.S. Ivan. (2023). "Multistage hierarchical capture-recapture models," Environmetrics.

Awarded the Keller Award by the UT Department of Statistics and Data Sciences


MR Schwob, MB Hooten, NM Calzada. (2024+). "Spatial hyperspheric models for compositional data," in review.

MR Schwob, MB Hooten, V Narasimhan. (2024). "Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics. Pre-print.

MB Hooten, MR Schwob, DS Johnson, JS Ivan. (2024). "Geostatistical capture-recapture models," Spatial Statistics. Pre-print.

MR Schwob, MB Hooten, T McDevitt-Galles. (2023). "Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Paper.

MB Hooten, MR Schwob, DS Johnson, JS Ivan. (2023). "Multistage hierarchical capture-recapture models," Environmetrics, e2799. Paper.

MR Schwob, P Shiue, R Venkat. (2021). "Novel theorems and algorithms relating to the Collatz conjecture," International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2021:5754439. Paper.

R Venkat, MR Schwob. (2021). "Novel sequences of palindromic primes in various bases," International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 12:2. Paper.

M Hooten, C Wikle, MR Schwob. (2020). "Statistical implementations of agent‐based demographic models," International Statistical Review, 88:2. Paper.

MR Schwob, A Dempsey, F Zhan, J Zhan, A Mehmood. (2020). "Robust multimodal heartbeat detection using hybrid neural networks," IEEE Access, 8:82201-82214. Paper.

A Hart,..., MR Schwob,..., J Zhan. (2019). "Resolving intravoxel white matter structures in the human brain using regularized regression and clustering," Journal of Big Data, 6:1. Paper.

MR Schwob, J Zhan, A Dempsey. (2019). "Modeling cell communication with time-dependent signaling hypergraphs," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Compuational Biology and Bioinformatics, 18:3. Paper.

Michael R. Schwob


Hello! I'm a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin advised by Mevin Hooten. My research focuses on developing scientifically interpretable and computationally efficient statistical methods for spatio-temporal data in ecology, environmental science, epidemiology, and landscape genomics. My doctoral studies are funded by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.


University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX, USA

Ph.D. in Statistics | August 2021 - (current)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas | Las Vegas, NV, USA

B.S. in Mathematics | August 2016 - May 2021

Recent News

I accepted a tenure-track position in the Department of Statistics at Virginia Tech for this upcoming Fall!

New paper accepted in Biometrics:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, V. Narasimhan. (In Press). "Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics.

New paper accepted in Spatial Statistics:

  • Hooten, M.B., M.R. Schwob, D.S. Johnson, and J.S. Ivan. (2024). "Geostatistical capture-recapture models," Spatial Statistics.

Paper selected as a honorable mention in the 2024 ASA ENVR Student Paper Competition:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, V. Narasimhan. (2024) "Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics.

Paper selected as a winner of the 2023 ISBA EnviBayes Student Paper Competition:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, T. McDevitt-Gales. (2023). "Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

New paper accepted in Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics:

  • Schwob, M.R., M.B. Hooten, T. McDevitt-Gales. (2023). "Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics.

New paper accepted in Environmetrics:

  • Hooten, M.B., M.R. Schwob, D.S. Johnson, and J.S. Ivan. (2023). "Multistage hierarchical capture-recapture models,"Environmetrics.

Awarded the Keller Award by the UT Department of Statistics and Data Sciences


MR Schwob, MB Hooten, NM Calzada. (2024+). "Spatial hyperspheric models for compositional data," in review.

MR Schwob, MB Hooten, V Narasimhan. (2024). "Composite dyadic models for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics. Pre-print.

MB Hooten, MR Schwob, DS Johnson, JS Ivan. (2024). "Geostatistical capture-recapture models," Spatial Statistics. Pre-print.

MR Schwob, MB Hooten, T McDevitt-Galles. (2023). "Dynamic population models with temporal preferential sampling to infer phenology," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics. Paper.

MB Hooten, MR Schwob, DS Johnson, JS Ivan. (2023). "Multistage hierarchical capture-recapture models," Environmetrics, e2799. Paper.

MR Schwob, P Shiue, R Venkat. (2021). "Novel theorems and algorithms relating to the Collatz conjecture," International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 2021:5754439. Paper.

R Venkat, MR Schwob. (2021). "Novel sequences of palindromic primes in various bases," International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science, 12:2. Paper.

M Hooten, C Wikle, MR Schwob. (2020). "Statistical implementations of agent‐based demographic models," International Statistical Review, 88:2. Paper.

MR Schwob, A Dempsey, F Zhan, J Zhan, A Mehmood. (2020). "Robust multimodal heartbeat detection using hybrid neural networks," IEEE Access, 8:82201-82214. Paper.

A Hart,..., MR Schwob,..., J Zhan. (2019). "Resolving intravoxel white matter structures in the human brain using regularized regression and clustering," Journal of Big Data, 6:1. Paper.

MR Schwob, J Zhan, A Dempsey. (2019). "Modeling cell communication with time-dependent signaling hypergraphs," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Compuational Biology and Bioinformatics, 18:3. Paper.